Posts by Year


Implementation of Autonomous Control Pipeline

  1 minute read

The current Autonomous Control pipeline is designed for the Trackdrive event, such that it can navigate and map an unknown race track alongside the Perceptio...

Working MPCC on Husky Gazebo Simulation

  2 minute read

Update Woohoo! Finally managed to get Husky Simulation to work and finish fast laps in Formula Student Germany 2018 track!

Modelling the Husky

  1 minute read

Husky The Husky is a 4 wheeled skid-steering mobile robot that comes with its own sensors, EKF-SLAM, controller, plus various packages to support the im...

Simple Cone Positioning System

  1 minute read

We developed a temporary Perception System that will publish the necessary Cone messages to test our Slow Lap Path Planner. This enables us to test our algor...

Stereo vision 2021 introduction

  less than 1 minute read

Recap of the 2020 team’s work procured two cameras and two lenses 2.3MP a2A1920-160ucBAS (Sony IMX392) colour cameras from Basler Horizon...

MUR Driverless 2021 Team

  2 minute read

Hi everyone! Similar to last year, we are a group of 6 students from the University of Melbourne, continuing the autonomous race car project. We’ve split int...

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EKFSLAM performance

  2 minute read

This is a brief update on the progress acheived on the development of ekfslam for MUR’s autonomous vehicle. There are 3 major updates to the system that wil...

Object Detection and Inference Optimisation

  8 minute read

In this post, I would like to discuss the various improvements we have made to our object detection pipeline. This includes our newly improved dataset and u...

LiDAR Correction

  3 minute read

In this post, the steps taken during our LiDAR experimentation is detailed.

Mapping Module Validation

  3 minute read

After arduous work in programming and design a basic slam implementation has been completed. Much work remains to implement and validate the system so that i...

The Communication Debate

  4 minute read

The Piksi Multi has the capabilities to transfer data through USB, controller area network (CAN) bus, or Ethernet connections. CAN bus is the standard commun...

Stereo Vision Update

  2 minute read

As a follow up to the previous post. It was assumed that pixel locations of the object of interest will be provided for triangulation. However, for our use c...

Real-Time Cone Detection with LiDAR

  6 minute read

In this post, the approach taken to detect traffic cones with LiDAR will be explored and discussed. This includes the steps taken to produce the current prot...

COVID-19 GPS/IMU Alternative

  5 minute read

As concluded in my previous post, the Piksi Multi Receiver Kit was our most favourable solution to the problem of Vehicle State Estimation (VSE) and the gath...

Point Cloud Cylindrical Volume Reconstruction

  3 minute read

In this blog post, I would like to go over some of the steps taken to perform cylindrical volume reconstruction. For a bit of context, this particular proc...

Vehicle State Estimation Beginnings

  5 minute read

The Vehicle State Estimation (VSE) subsystem’s role is to gather data on the vehicle’s current state through odometry and pose readings, mainly based upon it...

Object Detection and Getting Started with LiDAR

  5 minute read

In this blog post, I will be going over some updates regarding our object detection algorithm and where we are currently at. After that, I will go over the c...

Getting Started with Stereo Vision

  3 minute read

With our current resources, we have started with using a pair of GoPro Hero 5 sessions for our bench testing needs. By using them to capture still images of ...

Driverless SLAM

  2 minute read

Slam The purpose of slam is to simulateneously generate the map of cones and localise the car within that track. The control team will take as an input to ra...

About MUR Driverless

  less than 1 minute read

We are a group of students in University of Melbourne working on an autonomous race car project. The current driverless team is split up into two main sub-sy...

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