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Object Detection and Getting Started with LiDAR

  5 minute read

In this blog post, I will be going over some updates regarding our object detection algorithm and where we are currently at. After that, I will go over the c...

Getting Started with Stereo Vision

  3 minute read

With our current resources, we have started with using a pair of GoPro Hero 5 sessions for our bench testing needs. By using them to capture still images of ...

Driverless SLAM

  2 minute read

Slam The purpose of slam is to simulateneously generate the map of cones and localise the car within that track. The control team will take as an input to ra...

About MUR Driverless

  less than 1 minute read

We are a group of students in University of Melbourne working on an autonomous race car project. The current driverless team is split up into two main sub-sy...